Thursday 3 November 2016

Before we go.

But tonight the sky is different, and for once let it shine,
Be broke within yet be calm outside, be waiting for your sign,
A trumpet beginning to this love, sing of the moment I could call mine,
It's winter well before we know, the cold is charming and fine,

Somewhere in this moment and the magic, so lost and benign,
My shallow waters but sink me, drowning thoughts that twine,
A separation uninvited that tears me apart, my misery conveniently phrasing it divine,
Slowly slipping into its pain, the tears only help me be fine,

Let's then fix our way to love, let all our deepest sorrows resign,
Let our fears be let gone, let our hearts purposely realign,
A journey be towards the unknown, to a place we both can't define,
And before we go and be lost, be the alcohol in my glass of wine.

Wednesday 7 September 2016

So far, yet so close!

A magical night that purposely forgotten, a beautiful life how I chose to evade,
As a magnum of thoughts swallow me from within, this sinister mind almost had me persuade,
That this isn't love but another false trick maybe, that it was too sure of the hurt in trade,
And thus this heart shrunk quickly to it's smallest, holding back but myself wearing a happy masquerade,

I am nothing special either but a basic bloke, running away from the mistakes that I have made,
Giving in too early or maybe just going insane, I used to be a pure soul that soon got betrayed,
World does seem unfair to everyone not just me, picking fights with my own mind thy self thus weighed,
Shopping happiness but out of choice, looking away with your back at me but you stayed,

I asked my heart to let go and let be, this little sad thing but doesn't seem to persuade,
And it hopes for your return pity thing, shallow thoughts of separation that it desperately tries to wade,
The moon but barely shines from behind those clouds, the sky but seems to settle easily dissuade,
So far, yet so close, just a memory from the past, As i stood there all alone under the starry sky that seemed to fade.

Monday 3 August 2015

Tell me what's wrong?

Just another beautiful night and I feel wasted, yet another star trying to light up the dark,
It is drizzling under the lamppost at far, the leaves but tremble and I wonder where's the lost spark,
I sit silent at my balcony window at 4am in the night, while I feel refreshed at nature's every remark,
I sat down here to write one down to share of sort, we all think it down once cuz we all want to make a mark,

So? What am I thinking it's too late and am I sleepy? Well, I am not, I am listening I'd like to talk,
I almost went back from right at your door, I know it's not brave and I am afraid to take a walk,
I am slowly creeping into my thoughts as I try to reason, standing put at your door about to knock,
I can feel you waiting on the other side, waiting as you breathe slowly whether or not to unlock,

Well the silence kept us from meeting that night, and every other reason helped put a question mark,
Every other thing kept blinding but the two of us, while every little moment kind of wished us apart,
Now that I have understood fate and every lie, now that I am too far of this feeling bit anarch,
Tell me what's wrong and tell me how to do it right, maybe the intuition isn't working maybe let's talk.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

disagree almost.

A beginning at peace that stays withdrawn, while the chaos shone inconspicuous at most,
Whilst a war of thus undying thoughts, a beginning of the end this winter night seems to host,
A disappointment at self thus seeks approval, of a heart but broke of hatred i stand post,
Speak but slowly of the untold and unseen, drawn to the sketches of hate but almost,

The due diligence thus seen amongst those known, amidst a fate what's worse than the worst,
While questions of love stay abate human nature, a bubble of life quietly awaits but to burst,
A diminishing distance that of my filthy shadow, awakens a night so calm thus standing first,
Watch me walk the aisle in my snowy winter dress, stripping of life slowly turning into a ghost,

And then would be the time for peace to blossom, trailing behind thus freezing thirst,
But breaking into tears thus disturbing silence, hoping a life that be simple at most,
Let's imagine a world without thus semblance, a cavendish sort of high hence baked but roast,
And just dream with your eyes tied wide open, scream thus loud but from within, disagree almost.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

think otherwise.

A cold shivering night mildly blanketing the soul, while you sit quietly thus hating the surprise,
As those beautiful eyes of yours but twinkle, at the sound of life mischieving a cold disguise,
A beginning hence stays but sweetly ruined, and the chaos in mind clinically at rise,
Thus holding back pretending to know the unknown, misbelieving yourself acting but wise,

Change of heart that evidently divine, while superiority awakens a genuine despise,
A startled response thus follows that, what was wrong but remains a question in reprise,
Weakening every breath what comes next, the sound of thus smoothening silent eyes,
Awaiting but for you to look around this one time, seeking thus freedom from them slickening lies,

Yet awake and yet too far unknowingly that delight, a mile or so let's walk together until but sunrise,
A feeling of desperation but seems to override, twitching signs of hate thus pulling broken ties,
Hence let me follow what I left back in time, a smile that was lost amidst the aura of pure demise,
I am sure of your answer still I ask but why, so you be sure of the hate or maybe think otherwise.

Monday 18 November 2013

Nothing stays but you!

A little note of thanks too unfair, for a dissertation of thoughts i drew,
Shrinking down the memory lane, still afresh the time together we grew,
I do still remember your smile, the way you'd keep running without a clue,
The way you'd love to dance, wish i could live it all over again i do,

These miles may separate us too far, but you sit silent in my heart for true,
Even a single call from you in a week, would cherish me up in my times of blue,
I'd prefer taking a walk in the rain, now in my times of lone I'd remember you,
As these counting years pass on, the dark blue denim you gave fades through,

I am glad for you're my birthday gift, a real surprise for the candles i blew,
I'd keep you safe this life long i promise, and after that i will miss you,
In this life lived yet too short, everything changes that's for true,
But how i know one thing for sure, nothing stays but you!

Sunday 29 September 2013


As broken silence speaks of hope, counting minutes that left to grieve,
Filling my eyes with years of despair, loosing faith off everything i believe,
Now that i am left cold and done, feeling these chills up unto my sleeve,
Far from being farther to be seen, renouncing myself in order to leave,

A feeling deep inside that stuck, driving the monotony i live so naive,
Walking me down this path of dark, dimming every step of it i conceive,
I wouldn't be lost i know so sure, for i won't be counting on what i perceive,
Cutting deep through these wounds of love, the pain of denial i am to receive,

A frisk of faith now that i have known, the bitter part of it i used to believe,
Giving up the living of falsehood, every little part of it back then that i thieve,
Building hate for that i may have loved, for that true love i was but bereave,
Sure of the misery i had in fate, Flip, blink, a better world i am to weave.