Thursday 18 April 2013

Damn! Love is nonsense.

A cigarette lit whilst dying hope, a pale summer night a trick or treat,
This blinding smoke what rose from within, filling the sky with clouds of cheat,
As i recollect little pieces of shredded paper, little did i know so discreet,
Like a drowning paper boat of thoughts, this fragile sense of being complete,

Awake in this sure wonder of truth, dear life wandering away bare feet,
Pieces of puzzle put together, only to know but the foreseen defeat,
Breathing out the pain and sorrow, holding a few left incomplete,
This falling castle of lies i built, knowing the mistakes thus to repeat,

Far from freedom and hence bound, for the expectations i have to meet,
Little i did to accept the fact, little i knew this heart i mistreat,
Little is to hope for the loss i made, belittle thus growing conceit,
Damn! Love is nonsense, and the feeling of it getting obsolete.

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